I've just started a new part time job. The job is completely unrelated to my passions but for the first time in a very long time, I am happy doing that! I don't drink coffee but I've always wanted to learn how to make it -- kinda just wanna be able to make some like cute animals and arty stuff with milk. And cooking, well to be honest, I just get ingredients ready and occasionally am in charge of blueberries and cake mixture BUT I am really enjoying it, my boss is blooming lovely and I'm also working with my friend, Lara which is also well lovely! Happy little Alice.
I've also decided to help out with all social media accounts, setting up said cafe with an instagram and helping a bit with Facebook which means I can also intwine some creativity and photography of foodie bits and website-y bits and all the creatively creative bits which is just fab! It's something new and different to jobs I've done in the past but I still get to tie in a little bit here and there of what I really enjoy doing and PLUS, they do the best herbal tea everrrr. If you ever get to try Mint & Rose herbal tea, jump on that like, now.
There may even be a little review appearing at some point, mostly to do with all the gluten and dairy free cakes -- coconut flapjack to die for and banana chocolate bread brownie. Everyone that I've met so far are positive people with positive inputs and impacts - just the kind of people I like and want to be around. Good vibes blogspotters, good vibes.

- 03:07