Passing Strangers (Pt 1)
11:58To those of you who follow me on Facebook, you may be aware that I have recently started a new project called 'Passing Strangers', a project in which, I actively approach and talk to strangers...ok, so this may sound kinda weird but back in that day, that's how people met people. Social media and online apps have completely consumed us into the online world. I met my boyfriend on Tinder, nothing romantic about that (ok, well our first date was pretty cute and he is a wonderful kind of guy) BUT even though I am eternally grateful for that app, I also think it's pretty sad that us, as a society feel that the only way really is to meet people online. And it's not just that. It's the fact everytime I get on to a train, I usually have my headphones on and I people watch a lot...everyone is on their phones and laptops barely making conversation.
The other day, I was on my way home from my shoot with Lee, when a beautiful lady who really mesmerised me sat opposite me. I decided to pluck up the courage and say hi, removing my headphones and told her I thought she was beautiful and asked to take her photographer. Farida kindly agreed, we exchanged a few words -- sadly her stop wasn't far from when I started talking to her so I didn't get to chat to her for long but she found me on Facebook and left some extremely lovely words:
"Thank you Alice Weston Photography - a lovely young woman with the sweetest smile who said hello and then offered to take a photo! These delightful encounters make traveling so much fun!
I was on the train from Bath in the West country in England to Bradford on Avon to visit a lovely friend when I enjoyed this encounter. Lovely of her to share the photo."
Is it really that hard to say hi to someone and start friendly conversation? I've wanted to do a project like this for a while and so thank you to Farida and her kindness...'Passing Strangers' will now be a continued feature on my blog and website.
Alice x
To follow me on my adventures:!passing-strangers/o2dmp